Kişisel Verilerin Silinmesi, Yok Edilmesi veya Anonim Hale Getirilmesi Rehberi: Guide For Deletion, Destruction And Anonymization Of Personal Data

kişisel verilerin gizliliği

Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurumu (KVKK) tarafından hazırlanan rehberin ingilizce tercümesine ulaşmak için lütfen iletişime geçiniz.



This Guide explains the major methods for the erasure, destruction or anonymization of personal data processed in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (Law No. 6698) and other relevant LegisLation, providing that no reason for processing that data is left.


Personal data, erasure, destruction, anonymization, de-anonymization.

Purpose and Reference
The third paragraph of Article 7 of the Law includes the provision “The procedures and principles regarding the deletion, destruction or anonymization of personal data shall be regulated by regulation”.

Deletion of Personal Data
Deletion of personal data is the process of making personal data inaccessible and irrevocable to the relevant users.
Data Administrator is obliged to take all technical and administrative precautions to ensure that deleted personal data is inaccessible to the users and can not be reused.

Methods of Anonymizing Personal Data
Anonymization is the removal of the identity of the person concerned, by removing or changing all direct and / or indirect identifiers in a dataset, or the loss of the ability to be distinguished within a group or crowd, so that it can not be associated with a real person.

Paper and Microfiche Media
Since the personal data in such media are permanently and physically written on the media, the media must be destroyed. When this is done, it is necessary to divide the medium into small pieces so that it can not be combined back and forth horizontally and vertically, if possible, in incomprehensible size with paper destruction or clipping machines.

The original paper must be destroyed by using one or more of the appropriate methods specified in (a) according to the electronic medium in which they are submitted, and the personal data transmitted electronically through screening.

Kişisel Verilerin Silinmesi, Yok Edilmesi Veya Anonim Hale Getirilmesi Rehberi’nin ingilizce çevirisinin tamamına ulaşmak için lütfen iletişime geçiniz.